If your brain were a bus... who would be driving?

Take the Quiz to find out!


Think of your brain as a private bus with different types of characters aboard. At any time, any one of them could grab the wheel, driving your thoughts and actions at that moment...

How The Quiz Works

There are 6 situational examples that follow. In each one, imagine yourself in the situation, and read all the possible responses first. Then select up to 3 responses that feel most like you.  

  • It’s fine if you just choose one or two that feel more like you than any others.
  • Don’t pick more than three, or you won’t get a sense of your most dominant drivers.

Meet your primary drivers - After you’ve gone through the 6 examples, you’ll see the characters who correspond to the responses you’ve chosen. Keep them in mind, because they are the ones most likely to take over your bus!  

You'll also get full descriptions of all the characters to see which others you relate to most.

Why This Matters

To count on reaching your destination, you need to know your dominant drivers. And they can be stealthy. They drive so often you don't even realize they're in charge.  

An inappropriate driver could lose the route, stall the engine, or drive you into a ditch... before you even noticed they were driving.  

The Right Strategies for YOUR Drivers  

If you're someone with traits of ADD / ADHD, you need to personally relate to a solution for it to work for you. You'll need to apply a strategy that addresses YOUR particular challenges in staying on the road.  

The goal is to take charge and empower the right driver for the situation. But first, you need to understand whom you’re dealing with

FREE QUIZ! If your brain were a bus... Who would be driving?

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